Welcome to the Faculty Curriculum Resource

For assistance with submitting a curriculum proposal or questions regarding the forms, please contact:

Robin Gullickson, Associate Registrar (Interim)/Curriculum Coordinator

Office: Deputy Hall 101
Phone: (218) 755-4248
Email: catalog@tccestates.com

Curriculum Approval Process and Progress Chart

Graph of the number of curriculum proposals submitted annually between 2006 and 2022, which have been steadily increasing, with a low of 15 and a high of 44

Curriculum Forms

Complete and email the curriculum forms to catalog@tccestates.com to begin the curriculum process. You can find the current listing of courses and programs in the undergraduate catalog.

  • What programs is my course in?
    This Power BI report will show you which programs a course is in. (Log in with starID@tccestates.com and your starID password.)
  • Proposal Summary form
    This form is required for all proposals and is used to provide a summary of the entire proposal.
  • Proposal Signatures form
    This form is required for all proposals. Signatures required from: the proposer, department chair and college dean.
  • Course Modification and New Course form
    This form is used to modify an existing course or create a new course in BSU’s curriculum file. Each modified or new course requires a separate form.
  • Course Drop form
    This form is used to drop a course that will no longer be offered by the department from BSU’s curriculum file. Each dropped course requires a separate form.
  • Program Modification form
    This form is used to revise an existing program (i.e. add/remove courses or revise program language). Each program modification requires a separate form.
  • New Program and Planning form
    This form is used to propose a new program for inclusion in BSU’s program list.
  • Program Drop form
    This form is used to drop a program from BSU’s program list as the program will no longer be offered to students.

Core Curriculum Forms

Select the form(s) for the goal area(s) that you want your course to be listed as within the core curriculum program. A course can be listed under up to 2 goal areas.

Miscellaneous Information